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How to design the Branch Circuit?

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80 views asked Jul 10, 2015 by Devan Talebi

1 Answer

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A. Lighting


a. 15A,120V circuits

1) General: 1200 watts

2) Maximum: 1380 watts


b. 20A,120V circuits

1) General: 1600 watts

2) Maximum: 1900 watts


c. 20A, 277V circuits

1) General: 3000 watts

2) Maximum: 4000 watts


Spare circuits: Approximately 25%



B. Receptacles


1. Convenience Receptacle- 180 watts per receptacle per NEC


a. 20A,120V circuits per NEC

b. General: 8 outlets

c.Maximum: 10 outlets


2. Appliance Receptacles - check local electrical load for circuit limitations.


Spare circuits: Approximately 25%

answered Jul 10, 2015 by Devan Talebi

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